Sunday, April 19, 2015

#3 A good broadcasting website-ESL podcast

Hi~  Goodnight everyone.
Today I’m going to introduce a good broadcasting website-ESL podcast.
It’s a wonderful web to learn English,because it’s free!!!!
NO~~~just kidding~~~, because it’s really good for practice English listening .
The speaker will say the radio twice, one for slow and one is normal speed.
And it’s have tow podcast for everyone to choose ,cell English cafe and ESL podcast.
almost one to two days we’ll got [the new version] paper, and it about 10 min, and it’s very news for the people who seen.
You call listen it all bay you want.
I like this  broadcasting website, because it can connect to iTunes.
so if I want to play less and listen more,Then you can come up to hear what’s the teacher says.
have fun.